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Amalgam Removal

Heavy Metals Should I Do A Detox?

By Dr. Rachel Hall January 4, 2015
  • The root cause behind many of today’s most common chronic illnesses is excess exposure to toxic metals found throughout the environment, the food supply, cosmetics, dental amalgam fillings and in the past vaccines that we had in childhood.

Worldwide Mercury Ban to Include Amalgam

By Dr. Rachel Hall November 6, 2013
  • The UN is pushing for a worldwide phase out of mercury by 2020.

Amalgam Removal FAQ’s: What is the Process?

By Dr. Rachel Hall June 9, 2013
  • It is important that your amalgams are removed safely and in a manner that takes into account the state and condition of your teeth and gums, your current health and your health history.

Amalgam Removal FAQ’s: Is Amalgam Removal Difficult?

By Dr. Rachel Hall May 7, 2013
  • The process itself is quite straightforward as like in any other dental procedure we numb your mouth, drill and then put a new filling in.

Holistic Dentistry And The Environment

By Dr. Rachel Hall August 1, 2012
  • We are pleased to announce that we now have a new amalgam separator...

Tuna and Mercury How It Compares to Amalgam

By Dr. Rachel Hall September 9, 2011
  • Tuna and mercury content compared to amalgam fillings.

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